Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Oak Grove Kindness Challenge

This month Oak Grove is focusing on its guiding principle of Kindness.
Our quote for the month is:

”I pledge to myself on this day,
To try and be kind in every way,
To every person big and small,
I will help them if they fall.
When I care for myself and others too,
That is the best I can do.”

The 6th grade Leadership Team has challenged the school community to notice acts of kindness that are seen around the school.  We are collecting everyone’s stories of kindness and sharing them at all school sing and in morning announcements.

 As Oak Grove students say:  “Kindness is cool!  Kindness is contagious.”

LT Members perform a skit at All School Sing.
Amelia, Lydia, Kyara, Jonah, Nick and David.  Wyatt is in the audience.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tips for Dealing with Anger

Get your Sleep-If your tired, it is harder to stay calm during tough situations.
Practice Listening-Angry feelings are often a result of misunderstandings.
Use Deep Breathing-When you feel angry, take a deep breath, count to three and then let it out.
Wave Anger Away-When you have angry thoughts, imagine waving them away. Then tell yourself “I can stay in charge of how I act.”
Compromise-Help get everyone some of what they need to make a situation better.
Forgive Others-Everyone makes mistakes, forgive and move past it.
Eat the Right Stuff-Eat regular, healthy meals to help you feel happier.
Learn Acceptance-It’s better to accept things that we cannot change and do our best to deal with them in a positive way.
Use “I” Messages-Using sentences that start with “I” is a way for people to resolve conflicts without adding to anger.
Count Down-Counting backwards is a good way to keep from acting out in anger.
Empathize with Others-If someone is upsetting you, put yourself in that person’s place to understand what they may be thinking or feeling.
Get Away-Just remove yourself from the situation that is making you angry.
Limit Violent Media
Find a Calm Spot-If your feeling angry find a place that makes you feel more calm and peaceful until your not angry anymore.
Be Kind-Being kind towards others actually improves your mood and help keep away angry thoughts.
Apologize for Mistakes-Its hard to admit we have done something wrong, but it is better to admit to it and apologize for our mistakes and move on.
Use Positive Self-Talk-Feeling good about who you are can help you feel less angry.
Be Assertive-Stand up for what you believe in without disrespecting others.
Problem Solve-Think about positive things you can do to make a situation better.
Talk it Out-One of the best ways to handle anger is to talk about it with someone you trust.
Appreciate What You Have-Remember what you have instead of thinking about what you don’t.
Recognize Anger Triggers-Be on the lookout for things that make you angry, when you see these things, do something to calm you down.
Say “I need a minute.”-Instant reactions makes things worse, take time away to calm down before you talk to others.
Move your Body-Exercise helps release tension and helps you feel better.
Draw or Journal-Drawing or writing about feelings can help calm you down.
Stop and Think-Stop from losing control by telling yourself, “I can stay in charge of how I act.”
Play or Listen to Music-Listen to your favorite song to help calm down.
Avoid Hurting Others-Getting violent or hurting others will make a situation worse.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Application Deadlines: The Backpack Food Program and the Reformer Stocking


It’s time to sign up for the weekly Vermont Foodbank BackPack Program.   The BackPack Program provides a bag of non-perishable food, and healthy snacks to your child each Friday.  The food (i.e., raisins, fruit cocktail, cereal, soup, crackers, milk etc.) is contained in a small plastic grocery bag and will be put in your child’s backpack. Families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program are given priority and encouraged to sign up.  For further information, contact Kathryn Mason or Tricia Hill at 254-3740.  Sign-up deadline is  Wednesday, September 24th.    .

Christmas Stocking

Even though the weather is still warm, it is time to start thinking about the “Christmas Stocking” again. If you need assistance in acquiring outer winter clothing or boots for your children, you may be eligible for the Reformer Christmas Stocking program.  Please contact Kathryn Mason, Counselor or Tricia Hill, Administrative Assistant for an application. The deadline to return your application to Oak Grove is Friday, October 3rd. 

Welcome Back!