Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tips for Dealing with Anger

Get your Sleep-If your tired, it is harder to stay calm during tough situations.
Practice Listening-Angry feelings are often a result of misunderstandings.
Use Deep Breathing-When you feel angry, take a deep breath, count to three and then let it out.
Wave Anger Away-When you have angry thoughts, imagine waving them away. Then tell yourself “I can stay in charge of how I act.”
Compromise-Help get everyone some of what they need to make a situation better.
Forgive Others-Everyone makes mistakes, forgive and move past it.
Eat the Right Stuff-Eat regular, healthy meals to help you feel happier.
Learn Acceptance-It’s better to accept things that we cannot change and do our best to deal with them in a positive way.
Use “I” Messages-Using sentences that start with “I” is a way for people to resolve conflicts without adding to anger.
Count Down-Counting backwards is a good way to keep from acting out in anger.
Empathize with Others-If someone is upsetting you, put yourself in that person’s place to understand what they may be thinking or feeling.
Get Away-Just remove yourself from the situation that is making you angry.
Limit Violent Media
Find a Calm Spot-If your feeling angry find a place that makes you feel more calm and peaceful until your not angry anymore.
Be Kind-Being kind towards others actually improves your mood and help keep away angry thoughts.
Apologize for Mistakes-Its hard to admit we have done something wrong, but it is better to admit to it and apologize for our mistakes and move on.
Use Positive Self-Talk-Feeling good about who you are can help you feel less angry.
Be Assertive-Stand up for what you believe in without disrespecting others.
Problem Solve-Think about positive things you can do to make a situation better.
Talk it Out-One of the best ways to handle anger is to talk about it with someone you trust.
Appreciate What You Have-Remember what you have instead of thinking about what you don’t.
Recognize Anger Triggers-Be on the lookout for things that make you angry, when you see these things, do something to calm you down.
Say “I need a minute.”-Instant reactions makes things worse, take time away to calm down before you talk to others.
Move your Body-Exercise helps release tension and helps you feel better.
Draw or Journal-Drawing or writing about feelings can help calm you down.
Stop and Think-Stop from losing control by telling yourself, “I can stay in charge of how I act.”
Play or Listen to Music-Listen to your favorite song to help calm down.
Avoid Hurting Others-Getting violent or hurting others will make a situation worse.