Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Oak Grove Kindness Challenge

This month Oak Grove is focusing on its guiding principle of Kindness.
Our quote for the month is:

”I pledge to myself on this day,
To try and be kind in every way,
To every person big and small,
I will help them if they fall.
When I care for myself and others too,
That is the best I can do.”

The 6th grade Leadership Team has challenged the school community to notice acts of kindness that are seen around the school.  We are collecting everyone’s stories of kindness and sharing them at all school sing and in morning announcements.

 As Oak Grove students say:  “Kindness is cool!  Kindness is contagious.”

LT Members perform a skit at All School Sing.
Amelia, Lydia, Kyara, Jonah, Nick and David.  Wyatt is in the audience.